Monday, 16 October 2017

3 Amazing Inventions that Harness Solar Energy for Your Home

As the world starts to move towards greener forms of energy, we see increasing focus on advancements in solar panels.  Here are three key technologies that could change home solar technologies in the future, according to the website

The Solar Shingle We have been hearing about the Tesla Solar Shingle for a while and it’s finally starting to show up.  The Tesla Solar Shingle is exactly as it’s described, solar cell shingles that would be placed on your roof like your typical shingles.  The real question any homeowner should ask is why should use these panels instead of regular solar panels?  Well, other than increased coverage of your roof and thus a greater amount of energy savings, they also boast increased strength over basic tiles.  On the downside, the shingles require a long wait time for the homeowner, and cost higher than the average new roof.

Busbars – No… these are the area in the back of a Greyhound motorcoach where you can purchase alcohol. When you look at a solar panel, busbars are the thin silver metal strips on the panel rest between the solar cells. They transfer the energy from the cell to the grid. As we all wait for the next big step in solar panels, manufacturers have begun to focus on busbars.  The traditional busbar setup is three bars but by adding more busbars to a panel the efficiency increases by 1 percent.

Anti-Soiling Material Any solar panel owner knows that they can be magnets to dirt which can be bad both aesthetically and for energy ratings.  In a recent study it was shown that dirty solar panels can reduce their effectiveness by 10 percent. Solar panel maker DSM’s Advanced Solar Line has found a solution to this problem by adding both an anti-reflective coating and an anti-soiling coating to keep of dirt and maintain your solar panels efficiency.



The post 3 Amazing Inventions that Harness Solar Energy for Your Home appeared first on Electronic House.


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